He Shall Direct My Path

The pillar of clouds by day

It was amazing to see it. The Menorah in front of the Knesset, in Israel.  As we began to pray, suddenly the clouds formed a perfect pillar formation above the Menorah. We were in awe. It was unmistakeable.

Take a picture! We knew it was as if the Lord was confirming His presence and we remembered this very same sign to the nation of Israel, so long ago.
He would lead His people in this fashion. A pillar of clouds by day, and fire by night.
I’ve learned to trust Him in the same way.
At times, I just wait for Him.
It’s very painful, especially knowing that my loved ones do not know this love of the Father, but, it is this suffering which has this end in mind. He says that the suffering is what will enevitably turn us toward Him or away from Him.
I know in my own life, it drew me closer.
I was reading my bible this morning and was reminded to “stop those who are stumbling toward the slaughter.”
I wept as I thought of those who I care so deeply about and as angry as I have been, and as much as I have been hurt, the thought of them being hurt brings great pain. Yet, I also know that I cannot hold back the arm of the Lord.
I can only intercede for the ones to whom I’ve been sent.
This requires grace. So I ask for a greater measure.
In that garden which Jesus poured out His blood and tears. That holy rock which He laid upon. He cried out and asked for that cup to be passed and finally submitted to our Father.
I also saw this rock in Israel. I did touch that rock and I know  a bit of that pain which He felt. Perhaps to a lesser degree than the pain of carrying the burden of the whole world.
Yet is the need to submit to the will of my Father in all things. The fear of the unknown.
I remember that although my Lord is God, He was also the son of man. He became one of us. He felt our every heartache and struggle.
This is why He in the end had to submit and now my struggle is to submit to Him.
 it is not my will, but His will, that shall be done.
I am to be led by His fire, His Holy Spirit.
Only He knows what is best.
Because there is “a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. But to follow the Lord, will always lead to eternal life.” So I walk by faith, not by sight. He constanly gives me signs and He speaks to me. I cannot go wrong.
He tells us “to submit to God, lean not unto our own understanding, and He shall direct our path.”
Menorah in fron of Knesset

Be careful how you judge.

This was the news which I had pulled up this morning. http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/neo-nazi-couple-find-out-theyre-jewish/19648414?icid=main%7Cmain%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C173151.

I was fascinated, since, I had been telling people this for years. Be very careful of your bigotry. You just may find you are one of the people you hate. This is so ignorant to hate a class of people for their ethnicity. It really comes down to a fear of what one doesn’t understand.

The Jews were scattered and the tribes ended up all over this planet. Always hiding, because of the hatred others had toward them. The Lord told us that in the last day, they would be restored and I see evidence of this everywhere. But remember, these people were chosen, for good reason. And how do you know that you are not of these people? Even if you are not a descendant, remember also, by faith, we are grafted into this vine, becoming heirs of the covenant made with Abraham.

Isn’t it amazing how the Lord turns our gaze, back to ourselves? He warned us many times, to be careful how we judge, and this story is such a picture of this scripture being revealed. “Be careful how you judge, lest you be judged by the same measure you use.”

Of course, this is happening more and more, as the ability to trace our genealogy, becomes easier. These days were also referred to in the book of Daniel. The angel told Daniel that the things he witnessed, “would not be revealed until the time of the end. When people would be running to and fro, seeking knowledge.” Of course, with the advent of computers and all of this technology, we know this age as, “the information age.”

When we see all of these things happening, we can be sure that the Lord is standing at the door. I believe we are living in the most exciting times, biblically speaking. And now it is time for people to get their households in order. Find out who you are, in this ‘family tree.’ The Lord tells us, “I am the vine, you are the branches, and all who abide in me, shall bring forth much fruit.”

He also told us to, learn of me. Jesus was born of the nation of Israel for a reason. There is a purpose and a plan in everything God did. Learn of Him, and you will find out who you are as well.  This is not a religious experience, but an intimate relationship with your creator! He has told us, “not one jot or tittle, shall pass away, before His return. If you want to know what that is, they are the smallest characters in the Hebrew alphabet. He is telling us that, every single, word, has meaning and purpose.

The information age, indeed. Find out what this information means to you!